National Resources
December 2016 Guidelines now in effect. They are a non-binding interpretation of the Regulations
Authored by Utah's Court Improvement Program. The Guide is meant for all child welfare practitioners including judges, attorneys, caseworkers, tribal representatives, etc. in Utah. Please feel free to share it with your employees and colleagues.
Link here
The ABA Center on Children and the Law, a program of the Young Lawyers Division, aims to improve children's lives through advances in law, justice, knowledge, practice and public policy. Our areas of expertise include child abuse and neglect, child welfare and protective services system enhancement, foster care, family preservation, termination of parental rights, parental substance abuse, adolescent health, and domestic violence.
Casa publication to judges.
NCJFCJ has research material and resource material for improving court practices in juvenile court cases.
A website with useful resources to understand family-centered practice. A services of the Children's Bureau/DHHS
Website here
Child Welfare 360° (CW360°) is an annual publication that provides communities, child welfare professionals, and other human service professionals, comprehensive information on the latest research, policies and practices in a key area affecting child well-being today.